Lo admito, me gustan esas canciones, me gusta Guns N Roses, aùn su nueva encarnaciòn, porque Axl Rose es Guns N Roses, aunque hayan pasado màs de 15 años de esos tiempos.
Recuerdo sus presentaciones en vivo, en Japòn (yo tenìa esos VHS)y su magnìfica versiòn de Knocking On Heaven`s Door en vivo en Wembley.

Como cristiano, ¿què puedo decir del siguiente texto?. Tomado de la biografìa de Axl Rose en wikipedia:
"Rose was born as William Bruce Rose Jr. in Lafayette, Indiana, to parents Sharon E. and William Rose. The family were of Scots-Irish and German descent. His father left the family when Rose was two years old. As an adult, after recovering repressed memories in therapy, Rose publicly stated that he was sexually abused by his biological father.
Rose's mother remarried when he was a small child. She changed his name to William Bailey, using the last name of her new husband, L. Stephen Bailey. He has two younger half-siblings, a sister named Amy and a brother named Stuart. Rose has stated that he, as well as his siblings, were physically abused by Bailey. Growing up, Rose believed that Bailey was his biological father.
Because of his turbulent upbringing and his mother's reluctance to leave the abusive Bailey, Rose is said to have issues with women. He claimed in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine in April 1992, that during his childhood, he was made to believe that women and sexuality were evil and that due to the violent treatment of his mother by his stepfather he witnessed as an impressionable child, he had been led to think that domestic violence was the normal way of doing things.
The Bailey household was deeply religious, and Rose grew up attending a Pentecostal church, where he was required to attend services three to eight times per week. He sang in church from the age of five, and also performed at services with his brother and sister in the "Bailey Trio". Rose was so involved with the church that he even taught Sunday School. Later, he spoke of his disillusion with his religious upbringing:
My particular church was filled with self-righteous hypocrites who were child abusers and child molesters. These were people who'd been damaged in their own childhoods and in their lives. These were people who were finding God but still living with their damage and inflicting it upon their children. I had to go to church anywhere from three to eight times a week. l even taught Bible school while l was being beaten and my sister was being molested.
—Axl Rose
Church did provide an outlet for Rose's musical interests. In addition to singing in church, he also participated in his high school chorus and studied piano."
¿Què puedo decir? Con razòn nadie nos cree. Con razòn hay mucha gente que piensa que somos unos hipòcritas. ¿Què habrà en el corazòn de Axl Rose? Solo Dios sabe.
Esto es triste.
1 comentario:
Compa-- la hipocrecia no es propiedad de los cristianos, catolicos, mormones o alguien mas..
Es propiedad de los seres humanos.
En lopersonal trato de no juzagar por las creencias, que, a fin de cuentas no hay religion qeu te enseñe o te mande a lastimar, lesionar o molestar a los demas.. en si todas hablan de amor y paz..
Pero los humanos que seguimos esas reglas o enseñanzas..somos los que tergiversamos tales cuestiones..somos los que un domingo somos santos..y el lunes llamamos a la escuela-trabajo para decir que "estamos enfermos" o que. llamamos a la pareja para decir que hoy "trabajo hasta tarde", cuando en lugar estaremos bebiendo con los panas o en algun table..
Por mi parte solopuedo decirle que sea usted el mejor cristiano que pueda y asi no habra manera de que alguien pueda recriminarlo.
Cuidese compa.
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